This is the Photos Index Page. We want pictures of Wiesbaden, pictures of school activities, pictures from reunions and just pictures of you. If the pictures are of you, please make sure that your face shows clearly and remember to caption all the pictures on the back (who, where, when). If you want the pictures back, please send along an enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope and I will get them back to you as soon as I scan them in. Mail them to:
Speaking of scanning - if you have that capability and can send me the pictures by e-mail, please send them as .bmp, .pict or .jpeg files. Don't make them any smaller than 250 pixels by 200 pixels (I will trim and crop them to fit the page).
Click below to see the photo pages The City of Wiesbaden (Page 1) General H. H. Arnold Memorabillia (Page 2) Hot Time in the Old town Tonight (Page 3) |